Thursday, October 2, 2008

The definite guide to acne free skin

« ...If you've already experimented with a few over-the-counter items without success, tell your child to go to a dermatologist. Though nothing may stop acne, it is good to wash the skin, keeping the pores clean and free from bacteria. Prescriptions can include oral medications, physical treatments, and ointments and lotions that are placed directly on the face. These treatments can help eliminate the problem while offering relief from the physical discomfort it causes. Fortunately, acne effects are fairly temporary. As your child gets older it should become less of a problem, and by the time they are in their early 20s it will most likely be a thing of the past. For teens, acne can be painful, but with your assistance, proper skin care, medicine and information, you can help your teen surmount this and many other challenges....
...In order to make soap out of castor oil you will need to mix it with lye (sodium hydroxide) in order to create a chemical reaction called saponification. During saponification, the oil (acid) reacts with the lye (base) to form a salt (your soap). I bet you never knew that soap was actually a salt!...»

«...Acne medications can be expensive. The monthly cost for treating acne with an over the counter medication starts at about $5, but it can be more than $100 depending on which medications you use. If you use a prescription to treat your acne, the cost could be hundreds of dollars. Maintenance is a factor too. Once you start using a medication that works, you need to keep using the medication on a continuous basis. If you do not, your skin will revert to its former, acne riddled state....»
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tags: second month of pregnancy gas cramps acne, cystic nodular acne, is random face acne a sign of early pregnancy

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