Saturday, September 27, 2008

Natural acne scar remedies

« ...Acne can be categorized into two categories. Inflammatory acne and non inflammatory acne. Inflammatory acne refers to acne (nodules, papules, zits or whatever you may call it) that causes redness, pain, and swelling while non inflammatory acne refers to whiteheads and blackheads. In terms of the damage it does to how you look, inflammatory acne is what most people cannot live with. It causes pain and redness that is just not so good a sight in everyone's eyes....
...There are many topical products that you can choose for your acne scar problem. Many of these products contain a low dose of Benzoyl Peroxide. Benzoyl Peroxide penetrates below the surface of your skin to dry up the oil that causes acne breakouts and thus preventing acne scars from happening. However, since Benzoyl Peroxide has such drying characteristics, it is best if you apply it sparingly. If you notice your skin is peeling in areas where you applied a cream containing Benzoil Peroxide, you should reduce the use of that cream. It also has been known to cause an allergic reaction to some people....»
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«...Do you really want to date a person that only looks to see how beautiful you are on the outside, without delving a little deeper to find out what a cool person you are on the inside? Yes, it is hard. But think about it for a minute....»
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tags: how to get rid of acne and pimple marks, anyone tried laser treatment for acne, adult acne and birth control

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